City Heat is Worse if You’re Not Rich or White. The World’s First Heat Officer Wants to Change That Cynthia HirschhornJuly 7, 2021cities, women, environment, social justice, climate
Los Angeles has a new tourism logo and it’s so ’80s Ocean Pacific Cynthia HirschhornJuly 7, 2021Los Angeles
The Ivy League reigns on TV. This new show wants to make HBCUs ‘the A story’ Cynthia HirschhornJuly 5, 2021social change, Los Angeles
The scientists fighting to save the ocean’s most important carbon capture system Cynthia HirschhornJuly 5, 2021environment, California
This architect is trying to save cougars from becoming roadkill on California freeways Cynthia HirschhornJuly 4, 2021architecture, California, Los Angeles
Brexit-Battered London Spars With Paris for Green Finance Crown Cynthia HirschhornJuly 2, 2021environment, cities, sustainability, economics
Black Americans Are 16x More Likely to Be in 3rd-Generation Poverty than Whites Cynthia HirschhornJuly 2, 2021social justice, race, U.S.A., economics
Some 200 California projects may be funded by infrastructure bill. Search your city’s projects here Cynthia HirschhornJuly 1, 2021infrastructure, transportation, California
When Your Body Counts But Your Vote Does Not: How Prison Gerrymandering Distorts Political Representation Cynthia HirschhornJuly 1, 2021politics, U.S.A., voting
Supreme Court Upholds Arizona Voting Restrictions in Another Blow to Voting Rights Act Cynthia HirschhornJuly 1, 2021voting, politics, U.S.A., justice
House passes $760 billion transportation and water bill, making its pitch on infrastructure Cynthia HirschhornJuly 1, 2021transportation, U.S.A., politics, infrastructure
L.A. Is Now a Certified Wildlife Habitat. Here’s Why It’s a Big Deal Cynthia HirschhornJune 30, 2021environment, Los Angeles
Hollywood mogul Jeffrey Katzenberg emerges as figure in L.A. homelessness debate Cynthia HirschhornJune 30, 2021housing, Los Angeles
How an Argentine City Turned Its Urban Spaces Into Farms and Markets Cynthia HirschhornJune 29, 2021global, sustainability
It’s Some of America’s Richest Farmland. But What Is It Without Water? Cynthia HirschhornJune 28, 2021water, environment, California
F.A.A. Committee Recommends a Pivot to Gender-Neutral Terminology Cynthia HirschhornJune 24, 2021gender, U.S.A.
Native Americans are transporting a 5,000-pound totem pole to D.C. from the Pacific Northwest Cynthia HirschhornJune 19, 2021U.S.A., social justice, art
Meet Opal Lee, the 94-year-old activist who marched for miles to make Juneteenth a federal holiday Cynthia HirschhornJune 19, 2021social justice, activism