The Carnelian Tower and condominiums at Forest City, in Gelang Patah in Malaysia's Johor state, on June 16, 2022.
Mohd Rasfan—AFP/Getty Images
MAY 10, 2023 2:10 PM EDT
Alittle slice of eco-heaven on earth could be yours. So goes the marketing for Forest City, a partially finished new city on the coast of Malaysia’s Johor state. Condo towers covered in plants and connected by public transit, rooftop gardens, a water-recycling system, and a vague commitment to “smart technologies,” all add up, the project’s Chinese developer says, to a “green futuristic city” that will serve as “a prime model” for other towns in our sustainability-focused era. The project boasts several awards for sustainable urban design, including one backed by the U.N.’s environment program.
Read more at Time.