Is AI Coming for Your Job?

The launch of ChatGPT seems to have reignited doomsday fears about artificial intelligence (AI) replacing workers en masse. Are these fears prescient or overblown? A recent survey shows 62 percent of Americans think AI will majorly impact work and jobholders over the next 20 years, yet only 28 percent believe the technology will affect them personally.

Harvard Business School faculty members share their thoughts below about how AI will reshape the workforce and the skills necessary to succeed in the years ahead.

The deep learning-based AI tools that are now being introduced will have a profound impact on the labor market, leading to the eventual elimination of many jobs and the restructuring of many others. The effect will be particularly acute among knowledge workers—those who do what has been traditionally defined as non-routine cognitive work. Many people in such roles have been insulated from automation and globalization. That is about to change.

Read more at HBS.