Navigating Race and New Leadership in a Time of Upheaval

To say the least, it’s been a historic time to take on a new leadership role in the social sector. Eighteen months ago, I was honored to be selected as the CEO of LIFT, a nonprofit that aims to disrupt generational cycles of poverty and build family prosperity. Our offices in New York; Chicago; Washington, DC; and Los Angeles provide integrated financial, educational, and career coaching, as well as direct cash payments, to support parent’s goals for themselves and their children. I succeeded LIFT’s founder, Kirsten Lodal, who had devoted 20 years to building the organization and developing its unique approach, which places import on financial, social, and personal well-being. Since then, we have grappled with the COVID-19 pandemic and unprecedented racial uprising, and continue to reckon with the deadly racial injustice that impacts the communities LIFT partners with the most.

Read more at the Stanford Social Innovation Review.

Guest Userrace, leadership