The Young Leaders Group and UrbanPlan Committee will be hosting an afternoon workshop to introduce YLG members to the invigorating experience of UrbanPlan! This free event will be an in-person, highly interactive session that will prepare you to volunteer at future workshops for public officials or in-school session such as at SoLa Impact's The Beehive summer sessions.
UrbanPlan is a realistic, engaging exercise in which participants—high school students, university students, or public officials—learn the fundamental forces that affect development in our communities. Participants experience challenging issues, private and public sector roles, complex trade-offs, and fundamental economics in play when proposing realistic land use solutions to vexing growth challenges. Our goal is to demystify land-use dynamics and the complexities of real estate development.
As a volunteer, you will be trained on how to guide a team through the redevelopment of the fictional town of Elmwood. By the end of the training, you will understand how to guide your team through building a site plan, doing a financial analysis, leveraging public/private partnerships, and presenting your proposal to the "Elmwood City Council." Trained volunteers serve in classrooms and workshops as facilitators or as members of a mock City Council for final presentations.
Additional Information:
In order to facilitate future UrbanPlan workshops as a trained volunteer, you must be a member.
Please be prepared to stay for the full duration of the training.
Drinks and hors d'oeuvres will be served.