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California State Parks Week

From June 14-18, 2022, participate every day in a special event to celebrate California’s State Parks. Learn more about the 1st annual California State Parks Week and each day’s events here.

California State Parks Week is an exciting new annual event that celebrates the amazing diversity of California’s State Park System and the people who visit and help protect these iconic places. Modeled after National Parks Week and in support of the Newsom Administration’s “Outdoor for All” initiative, the first ever California State Parks Week will take place June 14-18, 2022.

Through special community events and in-person and virtual programming, State Parks, Save the Redwoods League, Parks California and the California State Parks Foundation, will invite Californians to celebrate the lands that have been protected by and for all of us, explore their diversity, natural and cultural history, and become stewards of these iconic places.  California State Parks Week will also highlight how connecting with the outdoors can help our mental and physical health.

California’s 279 state park units preserve and protect the state’s natural and cultural history. The COVID-19 pandemic brought many challenges to California’s communities but it also illuminated the importance of connecting the outdoors to our physical and mental well-being. Public outdoor spaces have been buzzing with visitors even during the pandemic—and it is so wonderful to see so many people enjoying them. California State Parks Week is a fun way to celebrate the wonder and sense of community that the outdoors provide to Californians and visitors from all over the world.

  • Inclusion and Access: We weWe welcome all communities, including those that have historically been excluded or underrepresented. We are committed to offering meaningful and community-driven experiences.

  • Health and Well-Being. The pandemic was a challenging time for many people. California State Parks Week affirms that time in the outdoors is essential to the health and well-being of all people. The week highlights fun and fulfilling experiences in person at state parks or virtually so that all easily access the benefits of nature.

  • Partnerships. California State Parks relies on dozens of businesses and nonprofit organizations from across the state to provide concessions, recreational experiences, education and restoration. California State Parks Week also celebrates these important relationships.

  • Stewardship. California’s State Park System consists of dynamic ecosystems that are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. California State Parks Week reminds Californians that this system belongs to all, and that we all have a hand in safeguarding it forever.